Season 1 Week 5 -Skill content and rebalance + economy change + basic commands + translation

Season 1 Week 5 -Skill content and rebalance + economy change + basic commands + translation

This update post was previously posted on Welcome to our new weekly update! We've focused this weekly update on some of the feedback we received (thanks Raymond for your #feedback form) through Discord (#feedback and #polls). This weekly update includes some rebalancing of some skills as well as some new skill content. We've also translated the entirety of the network to french to expand on a new community. Major changesFishing and CookingWe've added 9 new types of fish

  • scipio3000
4 min read
Season 1 Week 4 - Minescape monsters and more

Season 1 Week 4 - Minescape monsters and more

This update post was previously posted on Welcome everyone to our weekly update! This weekly contains a lot of Minescape mob changes and, like every week, we fixed most known bugs. Bug fixesHere is the list of the bugs we fixed: GB-231 Mobs are sometimes invisibleGB-235 Crafting UI says "bronze" instead of "bronze arrow heads"GB-241 Anvil weapon renaming (B.O.T.H.)GB-242 Salmon/Trout fishing error spamGB-245 Dialogue errorsGB-255 Stamina potions don't workGB-258 Item place holder

  • scipio3000
2 min read
Season 1 Week 2 - Weekly update

Season 1 Week 2 - Weekly update

Hello everyone and welcome to our first weekly update! The network has been updated and a few bugs were fixed and new content added. New content5 new Minescape questsNew weekly challengesMinescape map update (Taverley wall + map fixes)Combat skills have been changed (damage from your level is now applied as a buffer)GB-64 [GhostRun] Give the ghost night visionGB-81 Prayer regen buffGB-106 Rename essence mine NPC to "Egrus"GB-116 Buff Cooking XP ratesGB-123 [Apocalypse] Make chat global.GB-125 [Minescape] Make

  • scipio3000
2 min read
Dev-Log #5 - "The big update" and its first patch

Dev-Log #5 - "The big update" and its first patch

This update post was previously posted on Welcome to our fifth Dev-Log! Yesterday we, finally, released our network. We recovered 80k+ accounts and 4,450,700 orbs were given to our old players(from old purchases on the old GamesLabs Network and stats from Minescape Classic). The release itself was pretty smooth, but a few bugs and enhancements were suggested. This is not a weekly update but a small patch so that you can enjoy the network a

  • scipio3000
2 min read

Top 100 orbs

Final rankings are in!This update post was previously posted on Hello everyone. This will most likely be the final post before the release (exciting right?). I promised you guys a list the top 100 best performing players on the minescape classic game. The following list contains the ranking, the username and the amount of orbs for the 100 best performing players according to our calculation. # USERNAME ORBS 1 Gentleman_Azir 63950 2 Rexx220 41700 3 Lasuuri 37550

  • Datrixel
  • scipio3000
2 min read

Dev-Log #4 - 50 shades of performance

This update post was previously posted on Welcome to today's dev-log. Many of you noticed that we are in August and the network is still not open.... We were originally planning on releasing it 2 weeks ago, but our two test sessions brought up very bad news for us. Technical issuesOne of the technical choices of our game framework was a bottle neck. The choices we made to decrease the over-all development time hurt us a lot in

  • Datrixel
  • scipio3000
2 min read
Dev-Log #3 Test results & Orbs
Dev logs

Dev-Log #3 Test results & Orbs

This update post was previously posted on Hello everyone and welcome to the third installment in the Dev-Log series. Our last message told you about the ability to sign up for a test session. We held two test session with you since then and this Dev-Log is here to tell you about our findings. We will also address the question about how your account from the previous version will be transferred into orbs on the new network, since

  • Datrixel
  • scipio3000
4 min read
Dev-Log #2 - Economy, stats transfer, global currency

Dev-Log #2 - Economy, stats transfer, global currency

This update post was previously posted on Welcome everyone to our second dev-log! We are sorry for the delay between dev-logs... But we have some good news to make up for it :D Today's dev-log will be mainly about how the economy will work in Minescape and how stats will transfer to the new network. As we've always said: "No progress will go to waste". The economySince 2012, we've always wanted to have a better economy system in

  • Datrixel
  • scipio3000
4 min read
Dev-Log #1: Minescape trees
Dev logs

Dev-Log #1: Minescape trees

Welcome to our first Dev-Log!This update post was previously posted on Today we'll be talking about the changes we made in Minescape's woodcutting skill! Woodcutting in Minescape is completely changing in our incoming network release. Instead of just having 4 types of boring trees, we will have 16 different tree types! Each tree type is visually different and their logs are used in different skills such as firemaking and crafting. Step 1 - Removing all the treesBefore

  • Datrixel
  • scipio3000
3 min read
We are back in action

We are back in action

This update post was previously posted on Welcome everyone =D You may remember us from " back in the days " when GamesLabs was a popular Minecraft Network. Years have passed and we tried to keep one of our most popular creations alive: Minescape. We are finally coming back with two major games and several mini-games. We will be posting more information about these games in future dev-logs. Our goal is to provide a unique experience for all our players.

  • scipio3000
3 min read