Hello everyone and welcome to our first weekly update!
The network has been updated and a few bugs were fixed and new content added.
New content
- 5 new Minescape quests
- New weekly challenges
- Minescape map update (Taverley wall + map fixes)
- Combat skills have been changed (damage from your level is now applied as a buffer)
- GB-64 [GhostRun] Give the ghost night vision
- GB-81 Prayer regen buff
- GB-106 Rename essence mine NPC to "Egrus"
- GB-116 Buff Cooking XP rates
- GB-123 [Apocalypse] Make chat global.
- GB-125 [Minescape] Make the flax quest available for crafting level 1, in stead of 10 as it is now.
- GB-128 [Minescape] Magic damage hologram
- GB-130 Add Pagination to the active offers section of the Grand Exchange
- GB-141 Firemaking maple logs
- GB-142 [Minescape] Make strength a buffer instead of a static increase
- GB-143 Rebalance the healing prayer
Bug fixes
- GB-6 Quiddcraft kicks you for flying
- GB-36 Basically was setting up a custom sell offer for ...
- GB-37 fishing shop port sarim
- GB-38 Wizards
- GB-39 Magma block damages players
- GB-40 Mass buying bug
- GB-41 CB level & skull showing next to name in player list despite not being in PvP area
- GB-43 Going to HUB causes a drop of GUI item
- GB-44 Spaces missing in slayer tasks
- GB-45 Sardines at Draynor Village not fishable
- GB-46 Noted Food items
- GB-49 Infinite Feathers & arrowtips
- GB-50 Glowstone in arcade
- GB-54 new sign gui breaks slabs
- GB-56 Mining/smithing exp buff not yet active
- GB-58 Smithing item without item's equipment requirements met, gives a warning
- GB-73 Arrows not functioning properly
- GB-74 Kick < 1.9 clients
- GB-83 Change the XP table so the xp increment is consistent
- GB-85 [Minescape] Shield deletion
- GB-88 Attack is a joke
- GB-92 Using / wielding a weapon / tool does not require the attack level
- GB-93 Free teleports to varrock
- GB-96 You can attack slayer monsters without having their slayer level using magic
- GB-99 bow dammage
- GB-101 Health regeneration prayers not working as intended
- GB-104 Falling through floor when tping to karamja
- GB-107 Arrows dead
- GB-109 Crafting UI - Use Air as a crafting material
- GB-110 Using enough potions turns your potion effect infinite
- GB-112 Off hand disappearing
- GB-115 Ranged
- GB-117 The "Travel 0/1000 blocks in Minescape" Daily Battle Pass challenge is bugged
- GB-118 Taverley teleport not working
- GB-121 XP display does not correspond with visual xp in cooking
- GB-122 XP display does not correspond with visual xp in fishing
- GB-127 [Apocalypse] Lightning still strikes even when you are wearing no metalic armor
- GB-129 GE Item Inbox GUI only allows you to withdraw 99 items at a time (visual glitch)
- GB-133 Minescape Daily
- GB-134 Taverley teleport teleports you to Canafis
- GB-136 Rune Essence
- GB-137 Rebalance ranged/magic static damage
- GB-139 [Minescape] Steel arrows have a wrong requirement level set in GUI
- GB-144 Spruce tree texture error
Basic stocks are coming this week for most items.
Note that all the GB-* identifiers are a reference to the issues/suggestions on our service desk
You can visit one a particular issue by appending the issue number to this link: https://gameslabs.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/4/GB-ISSUE_NUMBER
Enjoy this update!