Hello everyone and welcome to the 6th Minescape content update of season 9!

This update brings you new Treasure trail rewards, shop, a new quest in Brimhaven / Ardougne regions, bugfixes and QoL changes!

Tribal Totem

Kangai Mau has lost an artifact of his tribe... He needs a brave adventurer with a mastery in thieving to head on over to Ardougne and find his stolen artifact.

Minescape Kangai Mau

This new quest hopes to bring more players to the city of thieves - Ardougne, where they will use sneaky mechanics like lying, and password cracking to infiltrate into a mansion and get back the stolen artifact!

Port Khazard

A new area has been added! Port Khazard comes with a couple of small mines, a Smithing area, bank, and a general store together with some pirates on the dock.

Treasure Trails

Adventurers of Minescape / Craftscape have been completing clue scrolls for nearly 5 years now and although a lot of them have gotten very lucky, sometimes it felt like the rewards they were getting were not the ones they were hoping for... Introducing Zaida and her clue shop!

Treasure Trail Points Shop

Minescape Zaida - Treasure Trail Points Shop

Zaida has arrived and settled right next to the main entrance to the Grand Exchange. She has set up a small shop offering those that love exploring some new items and unlocks to make clue grinding easier & faster for those focusing on treasure trails! The shop comes with the following items:

  • Skipping tickets (Beacon and Puzzle)
  • Reroll tokens (Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite)
  • Clue Scrolls (Easy, Medium, Hard, Elite)
  • Scroll Pouch upgrades: V1 and V2

These new items/unlocks will allow players to skip one beacon in their beacon clues, puzzle step, reroll the loot and even hold more clue scrolls in their scroll pouch.

Minescape Treasure Trail Points shop

To purchase the items you will need to collect Treasure Trail Points by completing various clues. Each tier of clue has a base amount of points they give and a multiplier is applied to those points for each tier completions of every 10, 50, 100, 250, and 500 clues of  a given tier. You can check the amount of points you have by running the /clues command in-game.

To make it easier for players to enjoy this new shop, players that have completed clues prior to this update will receive all of the points they would have gained up to this update. Enjoy!

Orlando Smith's hat

Minescape Orlando Smith's hat

A new reward has been added to the Master Clue Scrolls - A historians hat that seems to boost the luck of adventurers opening clue scroll caskets. This hat will give players a small change to obtain a second casket inside the casket they are opening of a lower tier: e.g. Opening a master clue casket the player will have a small chance to get an elite casket inside of it and so on.

Bugfixes & QoL changes

As it is with each update, we have fixed some bugs and implemented some smaller QoL changes:

  • Buffed the alchemy value of Onyx.
  • Buffed crafting speeds of various items.
  • Fixed Party Mode bossing not working correctly.
  • Fixed (changed) the map for the Al-Kharid desert clue step to correctly represent the map after recent map update.
  • Fixed an anagram clue scroll for Cook.
  • Fixed clue scrolls giving the wrong directions in some cases.
  • Fixed /vote not working correctly.
  • Fixed /rarity command tip suggesting two different commands.
  • Fixed Agility times not showing correctly in chat upon completion of a course.
  • Fixed some entities spawning in the floor in specific areas.
  • Fixed the Ardougne thieving stalls from spawning the items on air in rare occurrences.
Minescape Ardougne Thieving Stalls
  • Fixed Quest monsters appearing in the boss log.
  • Fixed consistency issues with battlestaves.
  • Fixed double quantity message appearing when withdrawing items from the Grand Exchange inbox.
  • Fixed Diango not giving the backpack to players that have lost it.
  • Fixed Falador agility course having extra invisible blocks where not inteded.
  • Fixed sound spam when trying to pickup items with almost full inventory.
  • Added new items to the Grand Exchange - Orlando Smith's Hat and the Trident.
  • Added /transmog command.
  • Added the missing Estate agent in Ardougne.
  • Added new maps to elite clue scrolls. Enjoy finding them!
  • Added missing flora to various parts of the map.
  • Added new locations for implings to spawn at.
  • Changed /clues command to send 1 message for all tiers of clues instead of 6 messages.

Staff applications

GamesLabs is actively accepting Staff Applications! We are looking for players passionate about contributing to the GamesLabs Network, Minescape, and other exciting projects. We are specifically looking for players to assist on the following teams:

  • Build team: Responsible for bringing the GamesLabs Network to life! Builds include Minescape Points of Interest, Minigames, Network Lobby, Convention Booths, etc. Previous build experience is helpful and preferred.
  • Asset design team: Responsible for creating monster/item models, new UIs, icons, and more! Experience in all these fields is not necessary, but is preferred!

If you are interested in joining our team, please apply on our website at the following link: https://www.GamesLabs.net/apply

We look forward to receiving & reviewing your applications!

The end

That's all for the 6th update of the 9th season. Make sure to join our Discord if you haven't already!