Season 2 Week 2 - First weekly of the season

Welcome everyone to the week 2 of our second season!
This weekly is mainly focused on Minescape and overall bug fixing.

Global changes and fixes

Here is the list of the new global features we've added:

  • Music synthesizer
    We've, once again, updated our music synthesizer. It now contains more than 30 instruments and allows us to play a more diverse music collection.
  • Season pass
    A new tip? We've added a new tip message concerning the season pass for the ones that have no idea what the season pass is.
  • Weekly challenges
    Speaking of the season pass, we've added the week 2 weekly challenges!
  • :clown:
    We've fixed the :clown: emoji. It is now appearing properly in chat!
  • Performance..
    Another performance update... After a bit of research, we figured out that we had an issue in the way we handle Inventory Menus. Their performance has greatly improved! No more laggy leaderboards!
  • Sound preview
    With our season 2 release, the sound preview was accidentally removed. It has been brought back to life! You can now hear a sound effect before purchasing it.
  • Entities falling through
    Our recent entity optimization came with a few issues. Entities are no longer falling through blocks, and should act normally.
  • Network rules
    We've changed the rules of our proxy to allow players having a hard time with their network connections to stay online.

Arcade bug fixes

  • Quiddcraft
    You can now properly move forward... This issue was linked to our entity optimization.
  • /vote
    Game and map voting commands have been switched to /v to avoid the overriding of the "/vote for the server" command.

Battle Of The Heroes

Battle of the what?

We know... The least played game we have on the network has been changed when it comes to heroes.
You no longer need to spend your precious candies to select a certain hero. All heroes are now free of charge!

We've also decreased the health, by a factor of two, to give the game a faster pace.


This weekly was supposed to come with a new Zombies map, however our recent testing revealed a few issues and we sadly didn't have the time to fix them for this weekly update.

The Al-Kharid Zombies map will be released next week! Stay tuned for that!


Here we go, let's now talk about Minescape.

Bug fixes

  • Duplication
    We've fixed two duplication glitches which were a result of our last season update.
  • You cannot break %regen%
    We've fixed the prospecting messages and removed the '%regen% <3' from the messages.
  • Hot bar slot
    Your selected hot bar slot is now being saved.
  • Inventory visually emptied
    Your inventory is now being properly updated when getting killed in the Cave Of Ordeals.
  • Ordeals Kurasks
    Kurasks will now automatically attack you in the Cave Of Ordeals.

Features and changes

This weekly comes with map changes and new features, here's a list of the changes and additions:

  • Dead trees
    We've added a new type of tree! Dead oak trees are choppable at level 25 for 28 xp.
  • Wilderness
    The wilderness has been upgraded (work is still in progress.) We've added monsters, ruins, mines, and a praying altar to the wilderness.

  • Seers village
    Seers village will soon have a revamp. In the mean time we've added trees in the background to block the view to the far lands of nothingness.
  • Brimhaven
    Brimhaven will be coming as a new Season 2 town. We've prepared the ground for its future location!
  • Agility course
    "The Lumbridge parkour is too hard for me!" We've heard your struggle and added a new beginner agility course in Varrock's park! Go and try it out now!

    The Lumbridge course has been buffed to 350 XP.
  • Website
    We will be having a Minescape website containing the wiki, guides, and more!
    In the mean time we've added a small landing page explaining the project. You can check it out here.
  • Feathers
    "WE NEED MORE FEATHERS!" We listened and added puffy chickens in the crafting guild! They drop more feathers than normal chickens!
  • High alchemy
    The high alchemy spell has been buffed from 8XP to 18XP. Note that we are in the process of finishing the alch prices of all items!
  • Overviewer
    We've updated the overviewer map with our recent map changes. You can access it here.
  • Music
    And now, for one of the coolest features of this weekly update, the music player!
    We've added over 30 hours of in-game music with a working music player. You can add tracks to your queue, play the next song, find a particular song through selection or search and toggle between random and regional mode!

    You can also use the music player with in-game commands such as: "/play autumn voyage" or "/next" or "/queue".

The end

That's it for this weekly update. Tell us what you think about these changes on our Discord, in the #feedback channel.
See you around on the network!